Tysons' Fine Minerals Inc.
  • Prehnite (Quebec)


    Jeffrey Mine (now closed), Val-des-Sources (formerly Asbestos), Quebec, Canada
    5 cm wide cluster of prehnite crystals, ex-Rock Currier collection, with label
    $175 CDN     see video

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  • Prehnite (Quebec)


    Jeffrey Mine (closed), Val-des-Sources (formerly Asbestos), Quebec, Canada
    4.4 cm wide cluster of prehnite (to 1.9 cm) with crystals of grossular garnet
    $200 CDN

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  • Prehnite (Quebec)


    Jeffrey Mine (closed), Val-des-Sources (formerly Asbestos), Quebec, Canada
    4.4 cm tall cluster of prehnite crystals (to 2.3 cm)
    $450 CDN

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  • Prehnite (Quebec)


    Jeffrey Mine (closed), Val-des-Sources (formerly Asbestos), Quebec, Canada
    4.8 cm tall cluster of green prehnite, 3.3 cm doubly-terminated crystal
    $350 CDN    see video

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  • Prehnite (Quebec)


    Jeffrey Mine (closed), Val-des-Sources (formerly Asbestos), Quebec, Canada
    3.2 cm tall cluster of golden prehnite crystals
    $150 CDN   video available

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Banner photo courtesy Larry Peyton.