Tysons' Fine Minerals Inc.
  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    3.7 cm tall stalactitic amethyst, polished both sides
    $50 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    4.3 cm wide stalactitic amethyst, polished both sides
    $125 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    3.9 cm wide stalactitic amethyst, polished both sides
    $125 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    9.3 cm wide polished (both sides) slice of stalactitic amethyst
    $250 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    7.3 cm wide polished (both sides) slice of stalactitic amethyst
    $250 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Aritgas, Uruguay
    5.2 cm wide slice of amethyst stalactite (polished both sides)
    $125 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    4.4 cm wide slice of amethyst stalactite (polished both sides)
    $90 CDN

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  • Amethyst Slices


    Artigas, Uruguay
    5.7 cm tall slice of amethyst stalactite (polished both sides)
    $125 CDN

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© 2024 Tysons' Fine Minerals (E) - Collecting and Preserving Canada's Mineral Heritage Since 1975  |  Related Links  |  Privacy Policy

Banner photo courtesy Larry Peyton.