Tysons' Fine Minerals Inc.
  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    13.4 cm tall stalactite with amethyst crystals
    $1,500 CDN    see video

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    6.5 cm wide cluster of amethyst crystals, polished back
    $150 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    3.4 cm wide cluster of amethyst crystals, polished back
    $50 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    7.8 cm tall slice of crystalized amethyst, polished back (mostly agate) 
    $125 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    6.1 cm wide cluster of amethyst crystals, polished back
    $150 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    2.9 cm tall cluster of amethyst stalactite, polished on back
    $30 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    6.9 cm wide stalactite of amethyst crystals
    $100 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    Crystalized amethyst cast, showing interior casts of quartz after ?calcite
    $220 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    Crystalized amethyst stalactite, polished on one end, 7.8 cm wide
    $115 CDN

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  • Amethyst (Uruguay)


    Artigas, Uruguay
    6.6 cm wide stalactite of amethyst crystals
    $92 CDN

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Banner photo courtesy Larry Peyton.